The Value of Satsang
Dear friends,
Many have perhaps heard the term satsang. It is Sanskrit and means "collection of truth seekers." There is something called the Three Pillars of Buddhism: The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. The Buddha is the perfect example for each of us. The Dharma is essentially the teachings. The Sangha/Satsang is the collection of truth-seekers. Why are gatherings of devotees so important as to be central to Buddhist teachings?
If you are reading this newsletter it is quite likely you are trying to change for the better. On the negative side of the equation, what is the first thing they tell a recovering alcoholic after treatment? "Don't just go back to your old drinking buddies!"
We are trying to break deep habits, which are different for everyone: Prone to moods? Anger? Fear? Need for material possessions? Low self-esteem? Too much self-esteem? The possibilities are (unfortunately) almost endless.
Yogananda used to say that environment is stronger than will power. That is, we can try to hold fast what we know is right, but if we are surrounded by influences pulling us in the non-desired direction, we often eventually get tired and give in. Whence the power of satsang.
Spending time with uplifted people on the same mission for self-improvement as you is amazingly encouraging and leaves a very hopeful and connected feeling. We are all in this together, and need never feel isolated or discouraged.
May we each find those who can help us along the path. And may we have the ability to tell what environments are best for us, and then to steadfastly follow our better self's inclination.
David G., manager
For the staff at East West